We emphasize that we participate in UNITARY CRIMINOLOGY that for this conception Criminology is not a mere synthesis, but a gear that forms an intrinsically related whole, above any specific direction, be it Sociological, Psychological, Anthropological, Psychiatric, Legal, etc. As Goppinger asserts: «in the same way that the physician does not observe the patient only from chemical, physical or social points of view, but with a superior, «medical» optic, although he uses the analyses of these sciences in diagnosis and therapy; Criminology must also strive to contemplate its object, whether it is the offender in his social interdependencies, or the whole phenomenon of crime as such, not only from sociological or biological or psychological or dogmatic points of view, etc., but with a «criminological» vision, but with a «criminological» vision, but with a superior «criminological» vision.